Stranger Again (single)
Cover art by Gabe Anderson
By Blue Cactus
Release date - 2021/04/66
1 Track - Digital Download, Streaming
Third single off of Stranger Again, Blue Cactus’s forthcoming LP, out May 7th.
Blue Cactus’ latest single reminds us that ultimately, love is work. It’s arguably the most worthwhile work possible, and it’ll thrive with the right nourishment. Of course, it’s way easier to say “forget all that,” and let love sag into disappointing tedium. Stranger Again is a tour through the tug-o-war between these notions, guided by Steph’s doleful voice and Mario’s brightly chorused electric hooks.
Video filmed, directed, and edited by Gabe Anderson with puppetry by Alan Best.
In Their Own Words
“In the end of a relationship that has run its course, two people find themselves complete strangers to one another and sometimes even to themselves. "Stranger Again" explores this place through the longing of being the kind of strangers we are in the beginning of a relationship. Before the trappings of the day to day take their toll-- the dirty dishes, piles of laundry, keeping score. Before we learn to settle and take one another for granted.
‘Stranger Again’ taught me to understand that the deepest levels of intimacy are created when we give our relationship intentional space. This is how we let our love evolve and root. Daily life with a partner can be mundane or precious. Halfhearted or Wholehearted. It’s a choice.” - Steph Stewart
Talkhouse “On the road, we develop strength and confidence to bring familiarity to strange, new experiences. In our case, we do this as the closest of friends. Maybe an hour goes by, and we hardly notice. I guess what we’re getting at is, you don’t have to try very hard to bring new energy into your life when it’s built into your way of making a living together…” See full essay
Performance Credits
Steph Stewart - Vocals, acoustic guitar
Mario Arnez - Vocals, electric guitars
Alex Bingham - Bass
Joe MacPhail - Organ
Gabe Anderson - Drums
Production Credits
Written by Steph Stewart & Mario Arnez
Produced by Alex Bingham & Blue Cactus
Recorded at Bedtown Studios
Engineered by Ryan Johnson & Saman Khoujinian
Mixed by Ryan Johnson, Silkworm Sound
Mastered by Greg Abate, Neon Audio